Our impetus is to Proclaim Witness Serve

Today’s Liturgical Calendar and Color.

Twenty-fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Our Lady of Sorrows

Holy Trinity
Catholic Church Milimani Nakuru

To be the church: Everyday, Everywhere, Everyone

Our vision is to Proclaim Witness Serve

Today’s Liturgical Calendar and Color.

Twenty-fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Our Lady of Sorrows

Holy Trinity
Catholic Church Milimani Nakuru

To be the church: Everyday, Everywhere, Everyone

Holy Trinity
Catholic Church Milimani Nakuru

To be the church: Everyday, Everywhere, Everyone

Our vision is to Proclaim Witness Serve

Today’s Liturgical Calendar and Color.

Twenty-fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Our Lady of Sorrows
Did you know?

About Us

Welcome to
Holy Trinity Catholic Church.
A Few Words

About Us

A Few Words

Welcome to our parish community! As the parish priest, I am delighted to extend my warmest greetings to each and every one of you. Our parish is a place of faith, love, and fellowship, where we come together to celebrate the rich traditions and teachings of the Catholic Church. Whether you are a longtime member or new to our parish, we are here to support and guide you on your spiritual journey. Through prayer, sacraments, and various ministries, we strive to deepen our relationship with God and one another. I look forward to getting to know each of you and witnessing our faith flourish together. May God bless you abundantly.

A Few Words

As we celebrate our parish`s golden jubilee with the re-consecration of our newly renovated Church, and the launching of the parish website, I urge all the faithful in the Parish to arise and join hands to build the church of Christ.
This is a year of gratitude, we take advantage of this Jubilee to acknowledge the contribution of our predecessors the Priests, religious and lay faithful for the blessed memories.
Reflecting on God`s instructions to the Israelites concerning the year of Jubilee in Leviticus 25, I encourage you all to regards this Golden Jubilee as a year of restoration, forgiveness and redemption.
Jubilee and other festivities of the people of God were recognition of the ownership of God who bestows his abundant gifts on humanity and calls us to share in his holiness.
Christian life is a call to holiness, remember holiness is not something abstract or just wishful thinking, but it is doing daily ordinary things with honesty, integrity and devotion. “We are therefore called to live holy lives”.
We thank God for our newly renovated church as a decent church is an effective form of evangelization.
Let us therefore arise all Catholic faithful and let us build our faith together.

A Few Words


Rev. Fr. David Ngigi Present Parish Priest

As the Parish Priest of Hol Trinity Catholic church, I have been blessed to witness the incredible dedication of our parishioners in contributing to the construction of this sacred place. Their unwavering commitment and generosity have transformed our church into a testament of faith and love. I am deeply grateful for their selfless contributions, which have created a spiritual home where we can gather, worship

Rev. Fr. Paul Miringu First Black Priest

I am truly humbled and grateful to serve as the first black parish priest of this cherished Catholic church. It is a testament to the Church's commitment to diversity and inclusivity. With God's grace, I am devoted to guiding and nurturing this community, fostering unity, and sharing the love of Christ with all.

Mr. Mutahi Church Construction Committee

As a member of the development committee for our beloved Holy Trinity Catholic Church, I am immensely grateful for their selfless acts, which have laid the foundation for a vibrant and welcoming spiritual home. Together, we have created a legacy of faith, unity, and generosity that will continue to inspire generations to come

Mr Maluki Church Construction Committee

As a member of the development committee for our beloved Holy Trinity Catholic Church, I am immensely grateful for their selfless acts, which have laid the foundation for a vibrant and welcoming spiritual home. Together, we have created a legacy of faith, unity, and generosity that will continue to inspire generations to come