Our impetus is to Proclaim Witness Serve

Today’s Liturgical Calendar and Color.

Twenty-fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Our Lady of Sorrows

Holy Trinity
Catholic Church Milimani Nakuru

To be the church: Everyday, Everywhere, Everyone

Our vision is to Proclaim Witness Serve

Today’s Liturgical Calendar and Color.

Twenty-fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Our Lady of Sorrows

Holy Trinity
Catholic Church Milimani Nakuru

To be the church: Everyday, Everywhere, Everyone

Holy Trinity
Catholic Church Milimani Nakuru

To be the church: Everyday, Everywhere, Everyone

Our vision is to Proclaim Witness Serve

Today’s Liturgical Calendar and Color.

Twenty-fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Our Lady of Sorrows
Be in the know.


Sacred rituals conveying God’s grace, the first being Baptism.

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Through the waters of baptism, believers are cleansed of original sin, reborn as children of God, and welcomed into the Church. This sacrament bestows the gift of new life, infuses the soul with sanctifying grace, and initiates the believer into the Christian community, providing spiritual nourishment and guidance for their lifelong journey of faith.

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The sacrament of Confirmation strengthens believers with the gifts of the Holy Spirit, empowering them to bear witness to Christ and live as active participants in the Church. It deepens their relationship with God, fortifies their faith, and equips them with spiritual guidance and discernment, enabling them to embrace their roles as fully initiated members of the faith community.

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In the Eucharist, believers partake in the body and blood of Christ, experiencing a profound union with Him. This sacrament nourishes the soul, strengthens faith, and provides spiritual sustenance. It fosters communion with God and fellow believers, offering guidance to live lives of love, service, and self-sacrifice.

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The sacrament of Reconciliation offers believers the opportunity for forgiveness, healing, and spiritual renewal. Through confessing their sins and receiving absolution, believers experience the grace of God’s mercy, find guidance to amend their lives, and are reconciled with both God and the Church, bringing them closer to their spiritual journey.

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This sacrament provides spiritual strength, comfort, and healing to those facing physical or emotional challenges. Through the anointing with holy oil, believers experience God’s presence, grace, and guidance in times of illness or suffering. It offers consolation, courage, and the hope of eternal life, fostering spiritual nourishment in times of vulnerability.

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The sacrament of Holy Orders empowers men called by God to serve as priests, deacons, or bishops. Through this sacrament, they receive a sacred mission to lead and guide the faithful, imparting the sacraments and offering spiritual nourishment and guidance to the Church. It is a sacrament of service and leadership, shaping the spiritual life of believers.

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Matrimony sanctifies the union of a man and woman in marriage, establishing a lifelong covenant rooted in love and faithfulness. This sacrament provides spiritual nourishment and guidance to couples, helping them grow in holiness together. It bestows the grace needed to live out their vocation as spouses and parents, offering support and strength in building a domestic church centered on Christ’s love.